


“同情”的能力,想象另一个人的困境, 与独立思考能力一起,是维持民主所需要的技能.——玛莎·努斯鲍姆,2010年



杜鲁门将展示其公共文科和理科 任务 通过培养受过教育的公民来保护我们的民主,并为当地提供创造性的解决方案, 状态, 国家和全球问题. 它将通过培养批判性思维的变革经验来实现这一目标, 大胆的想象力和对国内和世界各地人类经历的同情理解. Truman graduates will be citizen-leaders committed to service; globally competitive; able to thrive in the complexities of an advanced, technical and multicultural world; and inspired to live healthy and meaningful lives.


  • Ensuring access to an increasingly diverse student population while maintaining its commitment to academic excellence through recruitment and mentorship of students capable of succeeding in an academically challenging environment; and
  • 扩大其对渴望完成杜鲁门教育的学生的影响, 但要走非传统的道路.


“杜鲁门将通过培养受过教育的公民来保护我们的民主,并为国家提供创造性的解决方案,从而展示其公共文科和理科的使命, 国家和全球问题”:

  • 提供解放思想的文科和理科教育, 保护政治自由,加强我们的民主;
  • Demonstrating students’ practical reasoning through improved critical thinking and problem solving; and
  • 更有意地将住宿体验融入到学生的智力和社会发展中,因为教育的发展, 积极参与的公民最好在社区中完成.

它将通过培养批判性思维的变革体验来实现这一目标, 大胆的想象力和对国内和世界各地人类经历的同情理解“通过:

  • 对有意设计的奖励, supervised and evaluated service and experiences that provide clear preparation for life after graduation; and
  • 促进大学内外各持份者之间的合作.

“Truman graduates will be citizen-leaders committed to service; globally competitive; able to thrive in the complexities of an advanced, technical and multicultural world; and inspired to live healthy and meaningful lives” by:

  • 增加以解决问题为重点的服务学习和课外机会;
  • 在学科方面表现卓越;
  • Creating more global learning experiences; and
  • 促进身心健康.


  • 为完成学位创造有意的途径,例如为持有副学士学位的转学生提供三年制学士学位或两年制学士学位;
  • Creating a streamlined degree completion program for qualified former undergraduate students who stopped short of earning their diploma; and
  • 为所有转学生创造更清晰的途径.

扩大其对渴望完成杜鲁门教育的学生的影响, 然而,通过以下方式到达非传统路径:

  • 策略性地采用技术来改善学生的学习,扩大杜鲁门的影响范围.

杜鲁门重申了对评估的承诺,以证明其有效性, 支持持续改进, 鼓励创新和适应.