Business Office

The Business Office provides a wide variety of functions and services to current and potential students, their parents as well as the faculty and staff of the University.

It is our responsibility to safeguard the University’s assets, control and process the financial activity of the University and maintain students’ accounts. Our office pays all the University’s bills and makes all purchases for the University.

The office is open from 8 am until 5 pm Monday through Friday.  Summers hours are 8 am until 5 pm Monday through Thursday.


Contact Information:

Accounts Payable:  660-785-4158 (vendor payments, travel reimbursements)

Cashiers:  660-785-4160 (student account payments, questions about Lyceum ticket purchases) 

Front Office: 660-785-4150 (customer assistance, notary service) 

Purchasing:  660-785-4159 (purchase of goods and services, contracts with vendors)

Student Accounts:  660-785-4074 (student account questions, Foundation and Perkins loans, student refund questions)

Mailing Address:

Truman State University
ATTN: Business Office
105 McClain Hall
100 East Normal Avenue
Kirksville, MO 63501